Success Stories

Event Apps for Customer Forums – Happy Visitors and Optimized Processes at the KUMAVISION Customer Forum

Event apps for customer forums. How does that affect customers? KUMAVISION AG tested this for their customer forum and has also optimized the course of events.


LineUpr Tutorial: Incognito Mode – How it Affects the Usability of LineUpr Apps

We'll show you what the private browsing mode in the mobile browser is all about and give you step-by-step instructions on how to turn it on and off. Eliminate the # 1 error while using LineUpr!

Success Stories

Event Apps for Customer Conferences – The R2C Customer Conference of Schleupen AG

Nathalie Jene tells us how she used LineUpr for the R2C customer conference and how she was able to modernize the event format and course.


LineUpr Tutorial: Checking Your Browser for Cookie Settings

We'll show you step by step how to check different mobile browsers for cookies and why you need them for LineUpr. You'll also find out exactly what they do.

Success Stories

Event Apps for Trade Fairs – The Visitors of the Pferd & Jagd Fair are Convinced

In 2018, for the first time, the Pferd & Jagd fair used an event app as a digital communication channel. The attendees were enthusiastic and the printed programme booklets weren’t even used. Florian Eiben will tell you why.

Success Stories

Event Apps for MUN Conferences – Example CologneMUN

With the CologneMUN as an example, Helena Heberer shows us how to use event apps for MUN conferences and thereby optimize existing event processes.


Event App Creation – Just 30 Minutes to Create Your Digital Event Booklet

We'll show you how to create your own custom event app for your event in just 9 steps and 30 minutes with LineUpr.

Success Stories

How Innoversität Thrilled Attendees of Corporate Events with an Event App

Innovation through creativity and agile processes. Tobias Theel of Innoversität helps companies every day to implement this. He explains today the role that event apps play here.

Success Stories

How the Participants of the Accelerate @ HHL Conference Determine the Best Presentation by App.

Alex Müller of the Accelerate @ HHL conference explains how he uses an event app as a communication tool and how participants choose the winner of the pitch contest.

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