
Tag: Interview

Success Stories

Event Apps for MUN Conferences – Experiences of the IsarMUN

In this success story we speak with Anna-Sophie from the LMU Munich. She tells you how she used LineUpr for IsarMUN.

Success Stories

Event Apps for Conferences – Experiences of Michael Kimmig (GRENKE Digital GmbH)

Michael Kimmig from GRENKE Digital explains how he uses an event app for the annual management meeting of GRENKE AG.

Success Stories

Event Apps for Conventions – Example ERA Convention with Daniel Walzer

How can an event app support the digital transformation of events? Daniel Walzer shows you the example of the ERA Convention.

Success Stories

Conferencing Event Apps – First Event App of the FLI Conference

The FLI Conference used an event app for the first time. Gabriele Ginard tells us more about the results and experiences of this first run.

Success Stories

Event Apps for TEDx Events – More Efficient Event Communication at the TEDxUniHalle

Sandra Bier from TEDxUniHalle explains how an event app improves event communication and how TEDx events in general benefit from event apps.

Success Stories

Event Apps for Banking Events – The BANKINGCLUB Conferences

Frank Rathner from the BANKINGCLUB tells us how event apps have drastically simplified their event preparation, allowing them to collect direct guest feedback.

Success Stories

Event Apps for Scouts – The Perfect Team of Digital Programme and Printed Map

Lucius from PFF18 EXPLORE presents his event and explains how scouting events can benefit from using an event app.

Success Stories

Event Apps for Information Events – Example: Bachelor Theses Day at the ZHAW

Philipp and Nina from the Health Department of the ZHAW explain how an event app can optimize the organization and course of the day of the bachelor thesis.

Success Stories

Save work and quickly share changes – the first event app of the University of the Savings Banks Finance Group

Learn in this interview how Stefanie of the University of the Savings Banks Finance Group created and used her first event app with LineUpr. You haven’t created a LineUpr app as yet? Then get interesting insights and learn about the benefits!

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