Founder Notes

Hello LineUpr 2.0!

We’ve been working on an upgrade for a while and we’re proud to unveil LineUpr 2.0! Long-time LineUpr users will immediately feel at home. We’ve learned from your valuable feedback and past years’ experience to optimize our app and add functions that make it better and more responsive to your changing events’ needs and formats. […]

How to

Event-Livestreaming – The 5 Top Providers 2020

Livestreaming offers broadcasters gigantic opportunities to increase their own reach and to tap additional monetization potential. We introduce you to the 5 top providers.

Success Stories

App Rounds off Successful Summer Marketing Event – An Interview with Nicole Schiertz from the Marketing Club Dresden

Nicole Schiertz talks about the summer marketing event of the Marketing Club Dresden and how they used their first event app.

Success Stories

LineUpr at the ELRC Conference – An Interview with Eileen Schnur from the DFKI

Today we will talk to Eileen Schnur from the DFKI. She is responsible for the ELRC Conference and of course, she used LineUpr for this.

Success Stories

LineUpr in Action at Muenchen.Digital – An Event App for Digital Communication

Today it is about the digital communication methods of the state capital, Munich. We will speak to Lisa Zech from Muenchen.Digital about her experiences with LineUpr.

Success Stories

Event App instead of Paper Cuts – LineUpr at the RMCOEH Conference of the University Utah

Reading time: 5 minutes Injury prevention and health in everyday work life is becoming increasingly important. Individuals are more productive when they are safe and healthy.  Employers benefit from less downtime and more employee engagement.  Experts from the Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at the University of Utah have been providing solutions […]

Success Stories

Event App of the Momentum Paris Conference from DocuSign – An Interview with Yasmine Jaffart

In this success story we speak to Yasmine Jaffart from DocuSign France. Here she tells us how she used LineUpr for the Momentum Paris Conference.

Success Stories

More Sustainability at Events with an Event App– An Interview with Cynthia Martin from the James Madison Univ.

Today we speak to Cynthia Martin, program director of the Feminist and Rhetoric Conference. We will talk about having more sustainable events with an event app.

Success Stories

LineUpr in Action at the Repanet Suisse’s Annual Conference – Interview with Patrizia Santarsiero

In this success story we are talk with Patrizia Santarsiero from André Koch AG. She tells you how she used LineUpr for her annual meeting.

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