Success Stories

Event Apps for Symposia – Experiences of the BGHW

Dorothea Kraft from the BGHW shows you how she uses an event app for her symposia. The focus is on direct participant communication.

How to

Live Surveys and Q&As at Events – Best Practices by LineUpr

We'll explain how to successfully integrate live polls, feedback surveys, and question and answer functions into your event.

Success Stories

Event Apps for Conferences – Less Waste and Better Communication at the Rethink! EU Conference

Nora from the Rethink! EU Conference tells us why they consciously got rid of printed programme booklets and instead rely on an event app.

How to

Why Organizers Should Digitalize Their Events – 6 Arguments

More and more events use digital tools. And that's good so. We'll show you with 6 examples how you will benefit from it.

Success Stories

Event Apps for Summits – Experiences of the Sage Summit Tour

Satisfied visitors and improved subscriber communication. Patricia Russ from Sage explains how the Sage Summit Tour benefits from an event app.

Success Stories

Great Success of the First Event App (4.2 of 5 Stars) – Experiences of the Sennheiser Summit

Introduction of the first event app for the Sennheiser Summit. Stefan Löchelt explains how this app got 4.2 out of 5 stars from the participants and how the schedule was digitalized.

How to

How to Create the Perfect Sponsorship Model for Your Event (and Integrate your Event App)

We will explain to you how to create the perfect sponsorship model for your event. By the way, it's also about how you integrate an event app.

Success Stories

Event Apps for Event Agencies – Experiences from Hirschfeld Touristik Event

Sascha Heide from Hirschfeld Touristik Event will show us why event agencies should proactively draw their customers' attention to event apps.

How to

How to Increase the Interaction at Your Event with Live Polls

Live surveys are perfect for increasing the interaction at your event. Here, we have 5 ideas for the maximum success of live surveys for you.

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