
Tag: Polls


LineUpr Tutorial – 6 Steps to Maximize Survey Participation

Participation in surveys at events is often less than 10%. Here, we'll show you 6 strategies to maximize this rate and excite your participants.

How to

Live Surveys and Q&As at Events – Best Practices by LineUpr

We'll explain how to successfully integrate live polls, feedback surveys, and question and answer functions into your event.

How to

How to Increase the Interaction at Your Event with Live Polls

Live surveys are perfect for increasing the interaction at your event. Here, we have 5 ideas for the maximum success of live surveys for you.

How to

12 Interactive Icebreakers for Your Corporate Events

Networking is the key success factor for corporate events. We have 12 interactive ice-breakers (event apps, throw microphones and paper) for you to optimize networking at your events.

Success Stories

More Than Just Head-On Presentations – Event Participants Want To Be Integrated

Conference participants today expect more from an event than just head-on presentations. They want to be integrated into the event. Torsten Fiedler explains how this was successfully done at the Dresden Sewage Conference.


LineUpr Tutorial – How to Create Surveys, Questions for Speakers, and Polls in Your App

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create surveys for your event app. Integrate your guests into the event with opinion polls and give them the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers or to get feedback.

Success Stories

Live Communication and Participant Feedback – Experiences of the Wilken Software Group

Digitalization leads to a better connection between tools, saves resources and delivers superior data. This leads to simpler processes for both organizers and participants. Experiences of Steve Hopf and the Wilken Software Group using an event app.

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