Conferencing Event Apps – First Event App of the FLI Conference

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Today, we have Gabriela Ginard from the Future Leadership Initiative as a guest on our blog. She is part of the planning team of the FLI Conference “The Truth Behind Innovation”.  The conference is a unique two-day open think tank, where the FLI community gathers to discuss their insights and to set the basis for future collaborations. Participants reflect on the Think Tank’s insights on “The Truth behind Innovation” with global thought leaders and highly-talented students. In 2018 for the first time, they used an event app at this event.

In the interview, Gabriela tells us more about the FLI and the role of the event app at this year’s conference. Have fun. ?

LineUpr: Hello Gabriela. Thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Please introduce yourself and the Future Leadership Institute.

Gabriela: Hello Eric, with pleasure. The Future of Leadership Initiative (FLI) brings together diverse and remarkable people from across generations, industries, and professions.

New ways of working, changing organizational structures and the further development of digital technologies require intelligent ideas and effective solutions for the future. We believe that a combination of different perspectives has the power to create new and surprising answers to the grand challenges of leadership.

LineUpr: You used LineUpr for the first time for your FLI Conference. Tell us something more about this conference. Who do you address and what added value do the participants receive?

Gabriela: The FLI Conference at Schloss Tutzing (Lake Starnberg) was a great success: within two days, 120 exclusive guests and more than a dozen inspiring speakers explored future trends and new methods at the interface of leadership and innovation.

You can visit our video blog to find insights, impressions, and interviews with initiators, speakers and guests.

LineUpr: Why did you choose to use an event app for the conference? What do you expect from an event app?

Gabriela: We wanted to provide our participants with up-to-date information about the conference.

LineUpr: In addition to the app, did you use printed products to market the event or distribute information on site? If so, which and why?

Gabriela: We also created a diary for the event, where participants could take notes and do exercises on the various keynotes, panels, and interactive sessions. We like to provide our participants with something physical to capture their thoughts and impressions of the event.

Our participants mainly used the agenda function.

LineUpr: Have you already used event apps? If so, what are your experiences? If not, what has been against it so far?

Gabriela: LineUpr is the first app we used, before that there was no need.

LineUpr: How did you use the app before, during and after the FLI Conference?

Gabriela: Our participants mainly used the agenda function. Participants could see the speakers, partners and the address of the conference in the app. We also used the “Surveys” function and sent last-minute messages via the app.

LineUpr: How did your visitors react to the app?

Gabriela: The participants found the app to be great! There was even unprompted feedback that the app looked very professional.

Such an app is great for an event organizer to communicate with attendees during the event: from plan changes to surveys to get the opinion of the attendees.

Especially if it is a networking event, an event app can also help participants recognize exciting people and get in touch with them.

The participants found the app to be great!

LineUpr: Thank you, Gabriela, for the focused interview. We all got a glimpse into your FLI Conference. More information about the FLI is available on their homepage, on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

We look forward to your conference next year and to how we can support it again with an event app.