Reading time: 4 minutes
Cultural and creative industries are a major sector in our economy and a driving force for innovation both for businesses as well as civil society. Therefore, we are all the more pleased that LineUpr apps are also regularly used for events in this field.
It is again time to talk to a person from the creative industries scene. Josephine Hage is part of KREATIVES SACHSEN and organizes several networking and capacity building events per year on behalf of this name. LineUpr has been used for the annual BetaKonferenz and the WerkSchau, among others.
In this interview, Josephine tells us what advantages an event app can bring to her events and how easily and quickly the app can be used. Have fun while reading. 😊

LineUpr: Hello, Josephine. Thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Please introduce yourself and the organization KREATIVES SACHSEN.
Josephine: I’m part of KREATIVES SACHSEN with my six colleagues. We are located in Chemnitz, Leipzig, and Dresden and regularly visit 16 places in Saxony. We advise and network cultural and creative professionals from very different industries, from architects to UX designers and organize workshops on topics related to freelance work in the cultural and creative industries. Also, we build bridges between creative minds and other business sectors to spark innovations.
LineUpr: What role do events play in this?
Josephine: Events are incredibly crucial to our work. There, people come together, learn from and with each other, co-operations are born there. In the first two years alone, we organized over 80 workshops and networking events in the region. Besides, we bring together creative persons from all over Saxony at our annual BetaKonferenz. At the beginning of this year, we even organized our first trade fair, the WerkSchau in Löbau.
LineUpr: Which target group do you address with the events? Which channels and strategies do you use to reach these people?
Josephine: With our events, we address everyone who works in the cultural and creative sectors in an entrepreneurial manner – whether they are self-employed or have employees. We reach most through our network, our newsletter, in consultation appointments, and via social media channels.
LineUpr: You have already used LineUpr four times. How did you learn about LineUpr and what was the decisive argument for you to use an event app?
Josephine: We find an event app contemporary, sustainable, and user-friendly. The participants can get a very clear overview of all participants and get detailed background information. It is just very convenient, especially for our events with many participants or with many different locations, like our corporate trips. We think it’s good that users do not need to sign up or download anything and that we can customize the app to fit our corporate design. Also, LineUpr is an idea from Saxony. Unfortunately, good ideas are still not so popular in the region. But it’s our turn to change that.
One significant advantage is that LineUpr works like an app, but it does not need to be downloaded.
LineUpr: Do you also use printed products for marketing your events or for distributing information on-site? If so, which and why?
Josephine: We also produce printed products for a few selected, larger events, but mostly with reference to the event app, where even more information on topics, speakers, or travel information can be found.

LineUpr: How do you use the app before, during, and after the events?
Josephine: We pointed out the app before and during the event in our mails, program flyers, and on our website. Participants could then use the app to find more information and links to the other participants, to background information, and to put together their personal program. Additionally, we informed the participants by push notifications about upcoming program points, for example, as a “Good morning greeting” on our corporate trips.
LineUpr is the perfect app to include some background information which does not fit on a flyer or in a tweet.
LineUpr: How did your visitors react to the app?
Josephine: So far, our guests have found the app to be helpful and intuitive to use. A big plus is that LineUpr works like an app, but does not need to be downloaded. Although we have not yet asked for feedback in a structured way, we have received positive feedback in personal discussions.

LineUpr: You also used LineUpr for two trips. What added value does the app bring for you?
Josephine: We could keep our fellow travelers up to date through LineUpr and assume that all participants are on the same level. Through the app, we were able to change program points quickly and inform the fellow travelers through push notifications when, how, and where what is happening. The app was a useful means of communication for us with an integrated schedule. For our travelers, we could include meeting places, the contact information of fellow travelers and, for example, also restaurant and insider tips.
LineUpr: Which top three tips would you like to give other organizers for the use of LineUpr?
Josephine: We can definitely recommend using the post function. Every app user receives a push notification and is informed immediately.
The function should be used to adapt the design of the app to your individual corporate design or event design. An “own” app looks professional.
LineUpr is the perfect app to include some background information that does not fit on a flyer or a tweet. You can read it even after the event without having to search for a program booklet.
LineUpr: Thank you, Josephine, for the interesting interview. Unfortunately, event apps are still undervalued. Many organizers probably do not even know that there is such an app already available for little money.
Of course, you can find much more information about KREATIVES SACHSEN online. In addition, you will find many exciting stories and pictures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
We are already looking forward to your next events.