Reading time: 4 minutes
Event agencies are the backbone of the event industry. Only they can stabilize the sector and enable each company and individual to carry out an event competently and successfully. Event agencies are also essential for LineUpr, since they give some organizers the idea of using an event app.
So we are all the more pleased that, with Chantal Hofstetter from MangEvent, we are finally able to welcome an agency to our interview after a long time. She used LineUpr in 2019 for the Swiss Quality Day. In this interview, Chantal tells us why she convinced her client to use an event app and how she specifically used the survey function. Definitely worth reading. 😊

LineUpr: Hello, Chantal. Thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Please introduce yourself and the creative agency ManagEvent.
Chantal: I am an event manager at the creative agency ManagEvent in Ittigen (Bern). Together with the ManagEvent team, I organize various events according to customer requirements.
To crown events with new ideas and surprising effects, we rely on the power of creativity, accompanied by overwhelming inventiveness. “We” refers to the core team under the direction of company owner Christoph W. Meyer and a network of specialists in the areas of conception and strategy, consulting, communication, IT, artwork/design, stand architecture and stand construction, acoustics/sound, lighting, catering, and back office.
LineUpr: What types of events do you typically organize?
Chantal: Typically, we organize meetings, openings, and VIP events in the b2b and b2c area.
In the area of ContEvents (events with content: community affairs) we design corporate, public, and private events.
Events are always live. For them to make an impact, we develop ideas that run like a golden thread through the performance. Ideas where sometimes less is more and sometimes a complete firework of surprises must be ignited until the sparks of passion jump. The joy and euphoria that accompany the development will be felt at your event.
Discretely in the background, we ensure that your event is successful from A to Z. We are the directors as general contractors who professionally manage a whole team of specialists from all required disciplines: IT, building infrastructure, logistics, security, transportation, catering, music and artistic productions, etc. You can entirely focus on your guests during your event. Everything else is left up to us. And if something unpredictable happens, we never say “that’s not possible”. Instead, we find a solution.
And: we are independent. We guarantee an objective, neutral organization that is not influenced by any third party interests.
LineUpr: You used LineUpr for the Swiss Quality Day? Did the idea for the event app come from you or the customer?
Chantal: The idea came from us. Our long-term customers have the utmost confidence and are therefore committed to our ideas. We aimed to use a tool that is easy to use and makes sense for the conference.

LineUpr: While we are on this topic. Does it often happen that customers approach you directly with the desire to use an event app, or does this notion come from you?
Chantal: It depends on the occasion. At conferences, it makes sense to work with an app. As an event agency, it is our job to be informed about the current apps and topics and to discuss these with our customers. If we find that an app could be suitable for the occasion or the handling of an app can be facilitated, we address this issue, of course.
At the conference itself, they receive all the access data again so that they can ask questions via the Live-Ask-Tool.
LineUpr: Let’s get back to the Swiss Quality Day. What is this event about and what information and content did you communicate through the app?
Chantal: The Swiss Quality Day – The Knowledge and Networking Forum in the Kursaal Bern.
Quality has led the Swiss economy to success. It is more important than ever before in the face of change. Quality managers are, therefore, even more, challenged. The Swiss Quality Day is an essential forum for helping people with their professional careers. It opens up new perspectives of quality through inspiration, creativity, and curiosity.
We use the app to communicate the program as well as the speakers. Sometimes we may also publish CVs or other exciting information about the speakers. With the app, you can find your way around before, during, and after the conference. We also use the app like Live-Ask. Our participants can ask questions about the presentations via the app.

LineUpr: When and how did you inform the participants about the app?
Chantal: Participants are informed about the app in the last newsletter shortly before the conference. At the conference itself, they receive all the access data again so that they can ask questions via the Live-Ask-Tool and are generally well informed about the daily routine and the conference.
On this year’s questionnaire, participants were asked for their opinion about the app. The evaluation was excellent.
LineUpr: Did you also use the survey features in the app? If so, what kind of questions, and how did you integrate the survey results into the event?
Chantal: We used the survey features for our Live-Ask. The participants could easily ask their questions about the presentations. The TV presenter, Daniela Lager, then received the questions and sent them to the speakers after the respective performance, during the short question and answer session.

LineUpr: How did the visitors react to the app?
Chantal: Everything went well with the app. The visitors seemed to have no trouble asking questions about the app. On this year’s questionnaire, participants were asked for their opinion about the app. The evaluation was excellent.
LineUpr: Which tips would you like to give other organizers for using LineUpr?
Chantal: Although LineUpr is a good, well-arranged app, you still need to introduce it to the users. It is best if you do it yourself before the event and again at the event. Thus, misunderstandings can be avoided. It is also important that someone leads the surveys (Live-Ask) during the event. The event should be entered as early as possible into LineUpr, so that it can be tested in advance to see if everything works as desired.
LineUpr: Thank you, Chantal, for the great interview. We are always very curious about how event agencies work. As you said before, you still have to tell customers about the latest technologies and developments. This is undoubtedly a great balancing act between the desire to try something new and the obligation that tools or new strategies have to bring a tangible added value at the end of the day.
If you are looking for a creative agency in Switzerland, just visit ManagEvent online. And if you want to see what comes out at the end of a collaboration with ManagEvent, then just have a look at the pages of the Swiss Quality Day and the Food Day.
We are already looking forward to the next events with you.